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KENYA: COVID-19 has left gig workers vulnerable. Who is responsible for providing social protection?

Updated: Jul 21, 2020

Via Mercy Corps

Mercy Corps highlights the negative impact of COVID-19 on the gig economy in Kenya and stresses the need for social protection for the workers.

In Kenya, Mercy Corps notes that the pandemic has resulted in a mixed bag of outcomes for gig workers. Some, such as courier services, have seen a surge in demand while others, especially those that require direct interaction with clients, have seen a sharp decline in demand.

Across the board, most of the workers lack protections like social security or health insurance that are usually afforded to workers in the formal sector, leaving them in a vulnerable position as the pandemic continues.

Mercy Corps urges the Kenyan government and digital platforms to step up efforts on worker protection by looking to the World Economic Forum’s “Charter of Principles of Good Platform Work, The United States’ Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act, and Fairwork’s principles.


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